Higher Education for Economic Transformation (HEET) project is funded through a loan from the World Bank to the Government of Tanzania through Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology (MoEST). It is a five-years project from 2021/2022 to 2025/2026. The project objective is to strengthen the learning environment and labour market alignment of priority programmes at beneficiary higher education institutions and improve the management of the higher education system.

Mwalimu Julius K. Nyerere University of Agriculture and Technology (MJNUA) is one among the beneficiaries of the Higher Education for Economic Transformation (HEET) project. MJNUAT received a total of Tanzania shillings 102.3 billion (US$44.5 million) to implement five out of the seven areas of the project which are construction of infrastructure, updating curriculum and introducing innovative pedagogical methodologies, building functional linkage with private sector/industries, strengthening use of digital technology, and building capacity of academic staff and university leadership.

The university has started construction of 16 buildings at the Main Campus Butiama. The units that will be constructed are College of Agriculture; School of Agricultural and Bioprocess Engineering and Technology; School of Energy and Mining Engineering and Technology; and integrated infrastructure including roads, water supply system, and waste water management system. The project thus involves construction of the main university administration block; library; lecture theatres; lecture halls, seminar rooms, and studio; laboratories; cafeteria; and students’ hostels. At Tabora Campus, the university will construct the School of ICT and Business Studies comprising of lecture theatre; lecture halls and seminar rooms; students’ hostels, and cafeteria. The project will equip and furnish all buildings.

Under HEET project, MJNUAT is developing 24 curricula in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), and business. The aim is to produce graduates who can employ themselves and create employment for others. The project also supports digitalization of both academic and administrative systems and procurement of the state of the art of ICT facilities for the university.

In addition, the university undertakes the staff capacity development through the project whereby at the end of the project 53 staff will have attended Master’s and PhD studies and other staff will have attended short course trainings. The university established the Industrial Advisory Committee in May, 2023 and managed to sign Memorandum of Understandings (MoU) with different public and private sector institutions.

For more information about the project, contact us through:

Project Coordinator,

Mwalimu Julius K. Nyerere University of Agriculture and Technology,

P. O. Box 976,

Musoma, Mara (HQ – Butiama).

Phone: +255 28 298 57 49 or +255 28 298 57 50

Email: heet.project@mjnuat.ac.tz

                                                                                HEET PROJECT DOCUMENTS

                                                                                 MJNUAT BUTIAMA ESIA FINAL

                                                                                 MJNUAT TABORA ESIAL FINAL

                                                                              HEET PROJECT FINANCIAL REPORT 2022/2023

                                                                                 Project Appraisal Documents (PAD)

                                                                                Project Operational Manual (POM)

                                                                                          Environmental and Social Management Framework

                                                                                             World Bank Environmental and Social Framework (ESF)